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Internationale Summer School: Social Media as a Digital Agora for Political Arguments, Opinions, and Ideas
Vom 15. bis 19. Juli 2019
fand die erste internationale Summer School des Forschungsverbundes NRW
Digitale Gesellschaft mit dem Thema „Social Media as a Digital Agora for
Political Arguments, Opinions, and Ideas“ in der Wolfsburg in Düsseldorf statt.
Ausgerichtet und organisiert wurde die fünftägige Summer School gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Nicole Krämer (Universität
Duisburg/Essen, PI in Tandem 6), ) und Dr. German Neubaum (Universität Duisburg/Essen,
Leitung der Nachwuchsgruppe Digital Citizenship in Network Technologies).
Ankündigungstext der Summer School:
In ancient
Greece, a central part of social life took place at the agora. At this physical
venue, citizens did not only trade all kinds of commodities, but also
deliberate about important societal issues and politics. Therefore, the agora
can be considered as the birthplace of democracy. Today, social media seem to
bring this ancient Greek idea into a digital world: Services such as YouTube,
Facebook, and Instagram enable citizens not only to publish political thoughts
or initiatives in the form of videos, pictures, or status entries but also to
have civically relevant interactions with other citizens at large scale. While
this might be seen as a potentially enriching tool for democratic societies,
nowadays, it also has to be discussed in the light of less desirable
observations such as uncivilized exchanges (“hate speech”), the spread of
misinformation (“fake news”), the presence of manipulative entities (“social
bots”), or communication in ideologically homogeneous spheres (“filter bubbles”
or “echo chambers”).
evidence in the field of computer-mediated political communication has grown in
the last decades. Still, it remains a pressing need for researchers to
systematically identify the circumstances under which politically relevant
communication over network technologies can become beneficial versus
detrimental for individuals and societies. What are the boundary conditions under
which social media serve as marketplaces wherein citizens can contribute to
deliberation and rational exchanges of arguments? Which factors influence
whether this can lead to better informed (political) decisions? Which kind of
citizens benefit most or least when using social media in political contexts?
What are long-term consequences of political discourses via social networking
platforms? How can computational methods be used to understand the mechanisms
within these platforms better and to improve the conditions for the user? What
are ethical implications of political deliberation online and how can we come
to a well-grounded normative stance? Answering these questions clearly demands
a multi-disciplinary approach combining communication studies, psychology,
computer science, social media analytics, ethics, and political science. This
Summer School, hosted by the Forschungsverbund NRW Digitale
Gesellschaft and organized by the University of Duisburg-Essen and University of
Bonn, intends to bring these disciplines together and to offer a fruitful
setting for senior and junior scholars to jointly work on current questions of
political communication in computer-mediated contexts.
Short Program:
Lecture 1: Patricia Rossini: Beyond Deliberative Norms in Online Political Talk: The Role of Incivility and Intolerance Lecture 2: Christoph Bieber: The End of the Political Public as We Know it? Modes of Campaigning during the Midterm Elections 2018 Lecture 3: Gina Chen: If Incivility Means Everything – It Starts to Mean Nothing Lecture 4: Tobias Rothmund: Temporal and Interpersonal Dynamics in the Formation of Opinion-Based Political Facebook Groups – The case of the German “Refugee Crisis“ Lecture 5: Shira Dvir-Gvirsman: Political polarization—Yes? No? Maybe? Lecture 6: Homero Gil de Zúñiga: Social Media Simultaneous Hydraulic Effects Over Democracy
Workshop 1: Annie Waldherr: Introduction into Agent-Based Modeling with NetLogo Workshop 2: Patricia Rossini: Social Media Research Methods: An introduction using R Workshop 3: Gina Chen: What is Online Incivility? Workshop 4: Karsten Weber: Ethics in Social Media and in Social Media Studies Workshop 5: Shira Dvir-Gvirsman: Social media as an instrument of destruction: How social network sites affect the democratic process Workshop 6: Torsten Zesch and Björn Ross: Hands-on social media analytics: Analyzing discussions on Wikipedia Workshop 7: Tobias Rothmund: Can digital communication tools be useful in settling moral conflicts in society? Workshop 8: Homero Gil de Zúñiga: The influence of digital communication on socio-political attitudes and behaviors: Analyzing multi-country survey data
Dr. Cornelius Puschmann
Cornelius Puschmann ist Professor am Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung der Universität Bremen mit dem Schwerpunkt „Digitale Kommunikation“ und assoziierter Mitarbeiter am Leibniz-Institut für Medienforschung │Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI). Hier war er von Oktober 2016 bis September 2019 als Senior Researcher tätig und koordinierte das Postdoc-Kolleg Algorithmed Public Spheres (APS). Bis Oktober 2016 arbeitet Cornelius Puschmann als Projektleiter am Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft (HIIG) in Berlin, wo er im Projekt „Networks of Outrage“ mitwirkte, welches die VolkswagenStiftung im Rahmen des Programms „Wissenschaft und Datenjournalismus“ förderte. Seine Interessensbereiche umfassen Hate Speech, die Rolle von Algorithmen für die Selektion von Medieninhalten, sowie methodische Aspekte der Computational Social Science. Cornelius Puschmann promovierte 2009 an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf mit einer korpusbasierten Untersuchung zu US-amerikanischen Unternehmensblogs und war dort anschließend Mitglied der Nachwuchsforschergruppe „Wissenschaft und Internet“ (2010-2012). Ab 2012 war er wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Informations- und Bibliothekswissenschaft (IBI) der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, wo er das DFG-Projekt „Vernetzung, Sichtbarkeit, Information? Nutzungsmotive informeller digitaler Kommunikationsgenres unter Wissenschaftlern“ leitete. Von Januar bis Juli 2013 war Cornelius Puschmann Gastwissenschaftler am Oxford Internet Institute der Universität Oxford und von September 2013 bis August 2014 Visiting Assistant Professor des Department of Media Studies der Universität Amsterdam. An der Zeppelin Universität in Friedrichshafen vertrat er 2015/2016 die Professur für Digitale Kommunikation. Von Herbst 2015 bis Herbst 2016 war er Faculaty Associate am Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society der Universität Harvard. Cornelius Puschmann ist Mitherausgeber des 2014 erschienenen Bandes „Twitter and Society“ (Peter Lang) und Mitglied des Editorial Board des Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media.
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